Office: (570)-596-2200  Clinic: (570)-596-2270  |  353 Sanctuary Hill Ln, East Smithfield, PA 18817

Sanctuary Story : Rudy

Hi! My name is Tyr, but my friends at ACS call me Rudy. I’m an Akita-Shepherd mix who arrived at the Sanctuary from Texas in July 2021. I was rescued with two other Akitas, and everyone called us the “Three Amigos.”


In Texas, we were in survival mode and I didn’t feel free to be me! When we arrived at ACS, it was a different world, one full of new dog and people friends who I lived with for about a year.


I loved my time at the Sanctuary, but I love my new home even more! Not long ago, I was adopted by Sierra, who now works at ACS as a Feline Adoption Counselor. That means that sometimes I get to come to work with my mom and hang out with my friends!


At home, my favorite thing to do is run around my big yard! I can circle Sierra’s entire house in .02 seconds. I find that I go faster with a smile on my face and my tongue hanging out. This makes mom laugh so much. I’ve made it my duty to keep an eye on the groundhogs for her and let her know when new critters pop up in the yard.


After my zoomies, I come inside and spend most of the day snoozing in my big comfy bed–or stealing my mom’s! I love napping so much that a lot of days, I don’t even have time to play with all my toys. When mom is home from work, I get belly rubs and scratches behind the ears, and she gives me peanut butter treats, which are the key to my heart.


I love exploring new places and sniffing the entirety of the premises whenever I go somewhere new because hey, you never know when you’re going to meet a new groundhog!


My mom says I’m a very laid-back boy who loves everyone I meet. When I meet strangers, they all tell her how gentle and loving I am. With a big backyard, a cozy bed, PB treats, and an awesome mom, there’s really no other way I can be in my new surroundings!