Office: (570)-596-2200  Clinic: (570)-596-2270

Kelli Krieger


Animal Care Sanctuary -Board Member - Kelli Krieger

Kelli is a secondary English teacher and Department Lead at Union-Endicott High School where she has worked for the last nineteen years. A native of Los Angeles, Kelli has traveled the world as a military spouse and an educational researcher. 


She earned her BA in Literature and Linguistics at the University of Memphis and her MA in English and her MAT in Teaching Adolescent Learners from Binghamton University. She also has a Certificate in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion from Cornell University. She’s currently working toward an additional Master’s degree in Restorative Practices. Kelli has a special interest in innovative pedagogies and humane education. 


Kelli loves dogs and is the proud momma of a Newfoundland named Sumo and a Pit Bull named Rumor.